BCPA Goals and Objectives 2021
April 15, 2021
Goal #1: Strengthen member connections
establish zoom social hours
establish in-person mixers and events
provide a forum for consultation groups
develop a listserv for fostering user-driven conversations (including employment opportunities, way to address referrals, way to identify psychologists with
specialty areas)develop zoom brown bag lunch hours
secure mailing lists for LSSP, LPC, LMSW/LCSW and LMFT local area
associations and include with our outreachconsider sponsoring of community events for our members (e.g. 5k, goat yoga,
gardening demo)
Goal #2: Strengthen opportunities for professional development
conduct virtual continuing education workshops
partner with other professional associations to conduct virtual and/or in-person
workshopsconsider developing case consultation opportunities
develop and streamline a process for marketing and administering CE events
identify and assess groups/networks/organizations/resources operating in our area
Goal #3: Pursue social justice
provide learning opportunities to understand how racism and white supremacy
impacts the mental health and treatment of Black, indigenous and people of coloridentify and invite community resources for continuing education training on
social justicepromote social justice and pro bono opportunities for psychologists within
underserved communities on our social media outlets