Executive Committee Positions


  • Serves a one year term; however, one additional year shall be served as President-Elect and one year as Past-President.

  • Oversees Executive Administrator (first half of year)

  • Consults with the President-Elect and/or Past-President as necessary.

  • Coordinates monthly EC meeting locations and times, attends monthly EC meetings.

  • Maintains a warm, supportive, inclusive atmosphere for all members.

  • Leads meetings.

  • Develops an organizing structure for meetings by developing a tentative agenda.

  • With the assistance of the EC, develops goals for the year and helps the EC stay focused on these goals as the year progresses.

  • Is contact person for the community

  • Sends regular emails to membership, at least one at the beginning of the year with dues statement and one at the end of the year with the election ballots (e.g., September & May).  Also writes the President's Column in the Newsletter.  Communicates goals of BCPA in these letters.

  • Attends as many BCPA sponsored activities as possible.

  • Maintains communications with TPA,  or appoints designee/liaison to do so. 

  • Represents BCPA at TPA and APA events.

  • Attends Local Area Society meeting at TPA.

  • Emails Texas Psychological Association (TPA) with updated Executive Committee information.

  • Serves as the primary contact for the Executive Administrator

  • Meet/reviews regularly with the Executive Administrator

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event


  • Serves a one-year term.

  • Oversees Executive Administrator (second half of year)

  • Reviews handbook in preparation for annual retreat

  • Makes edits to handbook

  • Attends monthly EC meetings.

  • Communicates frequently with the President to learn the responsibilities of the position.

  • Serves as a consultant to the President.

  • Serves as Editor and production coordinator for any newsletters;

  • Is encouraged to attend Local Area Society meeting at TPA.

  • Attends as many BCPA sponsored activities as possible.  

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event

  • Is added to the bank account (every third President-Elect)

Past President

  • Serves a one-year term.

  • Attends monthly EC meetings and brings the Handbook to every EC meeting.

  • Attends as many BCPA sponsored activities as possible

  • Serves as a consultant to the President and President-Elect.

  • Maintains BCPA Handbook and brings handbook to every EC meeting.

  • Handles ethical questions

  • Considers running for TPA offices.

  • Leads ad hoc committees/task groups, as assigned

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer within 2 weeks of an event


  • Serves a one-year term.

  • Attends monthly EC meetings.

  • Takes minutes at every EC meeting.

  • Distributes minutes to EC within the week after a meeting and makes revisions based on feedback from EC. EC members to email their approval of minutes upon receipt. 

  • Sends minutes of prior meeting to the President one week and one day ahead of time to assist the President in making agendas.

  • Is the recipient in the event of anonymous voting

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event

Member At Large: Continuing Education Coordination

  • Contacts Executive Administrator about sending out email publicity to members and or email list

  • Organizes luncheon speakers, topics, dates, locations and catering

  • Attempts to schedule lunch seminars at locations convenient to most BCPA members, or alternates between such sites.

  • Attends and/or requests the presence of EC members to attend CE Seminars to introduce speaker, set up signs as needed for advertisement, collect payment, maintain sign-in sheet, and give out CEU certificates to both attendees and speakers.

  • Coordinates Fall and Spring Workshops

  • Gathers vitas and abstracts from each speaker.

  • Communicates with Treasurer regarding financial status of Continuing Education seminars within two weeks of the event.

  • Organizes food for the Continuing Education seminars and prints CEU certificates within two weeks of event.

  • Sends thank you letters to the speaker

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event

  • Maintains these duties when sponsoring CEs for other organizations.

Member At Large: Hospitality

  • Serves a one-year term.

  • Attends EC Meetings

  • Maintains the Cash Card to provide payment for all food, venue reservations, etc.

  • Coordinates with caterers, the EC, and the Presidential Trio leading up to events to solidify contractual details, decoration, BCPA displays, and other relevant aspects of BCPA events

  • Works with EC to coordinate setup and cleanup at BCPA events

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event


  • Serves a two-year term.

  • Attends monthly EC meetings.

  • Monitors all financial account activity.

  • Communicates with the Executive Administrator regarding all financial account activity and projected expenses.

  • Gathers documents for tax purposes. Monitors filing of taxes.

  • Pays administrator

  • Oversees maintenance of CE approval

  • Develops list of recurring expenses.

  • Attends as many BCPA functions as possible.

  • Gives all financial information to Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event

Member At Large: Membership

  • Serves a one-year term.

  • Attends EC Meetings

  • Presents new member applications to EC

  • Establishes contact with New Members

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event

Member At Large: General

  • Serves a one-year term.

  • Assists with miscellaneous EC duties as needed.

  • May be designated to have a special focus in certain years, based on need and interest

  • Assists with continuing education events.

  • Attends EC meetings.

  • Works with Early Career MAL, Student Representative, and Executive Administrator to generate content for, and post content on, social media, email, and other electronic platforms to advertise BCPA and its events

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event

Member At Large: Finance

  • Serves a one-year term.

  • Attends EC Meetings

  • Learns the duties of the Treasurer and assists with association finances

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event

  • Attends as many BCPA functions as possible.

Member At Large: Early Career and Mentoring

  • Serves a one-year term.

  • Attends EC Meetings

  • Establishes contact with early career psychologists

  • Updates Training Sites’ contact information in August

  • Coordinates opportunities for networking among early career psychologists

  • Connects early career psychologists to mentors

  • Works with General Focus MAL, Student Representative, and Executive Administrator to generate content for, and post content on, social media, email, and other electronic platforms to advertise BCPA and its events

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event

Student Representative

  • Serves a one-year term

  • Must be a doctoral student for at least 2 years

  • Attends EC Meetings to represent student interests as a non-voting member

  • Establishes contact with students

  • Coordinates opportunities for networking among students

  • Connects students to mentors

  • Coordinates with the Early Career Psychologist representative

  • Works with Early Career MAL, General Focus MAL, and Executive Administrator to generate content for, and post content on, social media, email, and other electronic platforms to advertise BCPA and its events

  • Gives all financial information to Treasurer and Executive Administrator within 2 weeks of an event