Summer 2019 Update
August 15, 2019
Hello all,
I hope you are enjoying a restful summer. Thanks to all who came out to our June Final Friday Happy Hour. It was our biggest group yet!
Your Executive Committee took the month of July to finalize a number of exciting events scheduled beginning next month. The activities vary in length, location and interest area. We hope you will take advantage of the wonderful offerings for professional development and networking. Take a look:
August 23
Digital Assessments: How the Q-Interactive System Enhances Clinician and Clinical Experiences
Dr. Alex Quiros Luce Ristorante Enoteca 5:30p-7:30p
1.5 CEUS $20 member, $40 non-member, $0 student affiliates
This will serve as a great introduction to the use of digital assessment methods for conducting psychological assessment. Dr. Quiros will have Ipads available for demonstration. Attendees will also receive a 10% discount on orders placed during the week following the presentation.
This event will replace our Final Friday Happy Hour for August. Appetizers will be provided. This is a great opportunity for networking. Bring your business cards!
September 20
Psychological Effects of Family Separation of Immigrants on the Texas/Mexico Border
Dr. Alfonso Mercado Location: Our Lady of the Lake University 1:00p-4:00p
This timely workshop will provide clinicians with latest research on trauma and health of recent Central American immigrants, the psychological effects of separation and ways to assess and analyze the impact of culture and trauma.
3.0 Cultural Diversity CEUs
September 27
Annual Trainee Social Mamacita’s Restaurant 5:30p-7:30p
This event provides an opportunity to predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees and their training directors to meet, share stories and begin to develop a support network.
October 18
Reflect to Connect: Reflective Communication for Parents and Other Caring Adults
Dr. Regina Pally St. Mark The Evangelist Church 9:00p-4:00p
This workshop will help participants understand the importance of regulating stress in a child’s life and develop reflective (mentalization) skills to help respond. This workshop will be of value to individuals working with children, families and adults.
6.00 CEUs
I will be at APA in Chicago and can tell you all about it our August event. If you will be there, call or text me and maybe we can connect there. My cell number is (210) 336-5109. I look forward to seeing you soon at one of these events.