Early Career Professional Scholarship Opportunity

November 27, 2018

BCPA is comprised of persons engaged in the practice, teaching, and/or study of psychology in the Bexar County area.  The primary goal of BCPA is to advance psychology as a science, as an academic discipline, as a profession, and as a means of promoting human welfare.  In line with part of our mission to support this discipline, we want to encourage professional growth among psychologists in San Antonio and statewide by offering two scholarships, which will be awarded annually beginning in 2019.  The purpose of the scholarship is to further the development of early career psychologists who are pursuing their licensure in the state of Texas, as we acknowledge this is a costly process.  Recipients can use the funds to put towards any part of the licensure process they choose (e.g., towards TSBEP fees, EPPP exam cost, study materials, etc.).

Eligibility requirements:

  • Must have graduated from a doctoral program.

  • Must be a current member of BCPA.

  • Must be pursuing licensure in the state of Texas.

To qualify for the scholarship:

  • Submit a 1 page, single spaced essay about how your experience, research or interests in the field of psychology align with our mission of:

    • Providing a basis for professional growth and association among psychologists in the San Antonio area, statewide, and at the national level.

    • Encouraging constructive relations with allied professionals.

    • Fostering responsible community ties.

    • Promoting opportunities for community education.

    • Developing and promoting ethical standards of psychological practice.

  • Submit your CV

Both of these items will need to be attached and emailed to bexarpsych@gmail.com for the Executive Committee to review no later than December 15, 2018.

The applications will be reviewed and recipients of the scholarships will be notified via email and the recipients will be announced and awarded at the Winter Social on February 1, 2019.


Summer 2019 Update


Summer 2018 Newsletter